29.6.2009 - Czech ES!

Todays ES started from Belgium, went to Czech Republic and decided to go off via Poland and Germany.

87.8 CZE: Radio Černá Hora, Králíky/Suchý vrch (Par) (1494km). 29.6 8.14
87.8 CZE: Kiss Jižní Čechy. České Budějovice/hotel Gomel (CBu) (1662km) RDS "KISS JC" 29.6 8.18
87.8 CZE: Rádio Blaník, Praha. (1548km) RDS "BLANIK P" 29.6 8.32

87.9 CZE: ČRo 5 Region-Vysočina , Jihlava. (1586km) RDS "Region" 8.11
88.4 CZE: Rádio Blaník JC. České Budějovice/Baba (CBu) (1657km) RDS "BLANIK J" 29.6 8.19
89.7 D: Unser Radio Passau, Bad Griesbach (1751km). 29.6 8.39
90.8 BEL: RTBF Classic 21, Profondeville (1868km) 29.6 8

And also unid French speaking 87.8, mp3, almost at the same time there was the RTBF at the full speed.

28.6.2009 - Meteor Hit Radio

This day achievement was Hit Radio 90.3, from Germany or Italy/Austria. Based on previous encounters with meteors, this is likely to be the German version.

27.6.2009 - 30 second ES

Almost a week since last ES. Long wait ended with ES to Italy - for generous 30 secs!

90.300 27.6. 1707- POL: PR3. Opole. (1423km) RDS "Trojka". First meteor with RDS!
90.400 27.6. 1734- I: R. Deejay.
90.800 27.6 often ROU: Radio Iasi, Campolung Moldovenesc (1660km) . Meteor

26.6.2009 - Equipment update

Today I got second new Sony XDR-F1HD radio. Kuuhankavesi Körner antenna has now Triax preamp A88108, which seems to have a positive effect at least for tropo and meteor propagation. It will be interesting to see how it works with ES.

Denmark 90.8 (908 km) was coming with low level signal almost through the whole day. These guys love to talk, no id, no rds. Another dominant here is Sveriges P1 (400km), with weather reports.

90.8 D: Deutschland R Kultur, Cottbus (1398km) 26.6 1324

22.6.2009 - ESish - Uno day

Some small fragments of ES still here, Ukraine probably, but nothing to log on. So I decided to go on paddling with my Uno.

21.6.2009 - The ES day!

I left the XDR-F1HD at the 88.4 MHz and got to the radio at 7.50 UTC, while there was a quite a show going on between Cuere 2 and 105 FM. Earlier there were Dutch, German, French and Arabic audible and also short Polish meteor break.


87.5 I: Radio Capital, San Benedetto Val di Sambro (bo) (2245km) 21.6 0807 mp3
88.0 I:TRM, Malvaggio di Robecchetto (mi) (2178km), RDS "RA OTRM" 21.6 0803
88.4 POL:Radio Maryja, Bielsko Biela (1471km) 21.6 0037
88.4 I:Cuere 2, Marano Sul Parano-Ospilateletto (mo) (2232km) 21.6 0741 with RDS "CUERE2" mp3
88.4 I:105 FM, Verucchio-Monte Ventoso (rn) (2239km)/Scanno (aq) (2420km) 21.6 0758 with RDS. mp3
88.4 D: MDR Figaro, Leipzig (1507km) 21.6 12.00 with meteor break.
88.4 HOL: Slam FM, Roosendaal (1782km) 21.6 0602 mp3
90.1 I: 105 FM. Modigliana/Monte Trebbio (fc) (2235km) RDS 21.6 0813

and 88.4 Radio Invidia Anni 80, Muggia-Chiampore (ts) (2034km) 21.6 0734
This station was heard for the first time in Finland! Thanks HKU, JJS, JUS for the help with this. mp3, mp3

Some unids also:
88.2 "Radio Studio Milan" 0800 mp3
88.4 Unid French 21.6 0730. Add for Plus, Societe Algerie in French and later Arabic. mp3
There were French stations audible for about 20 minutes before Italian carnivale.
88.4 "Radio filistite" mp3 0751

19.6.2009 - MS day from Poland

A short break from Poland:

90.6 POL: PR2 Czestochowa (1361km) 19.6 0014

18.6.2009 - Meteors moving - Germany

A short break from Germany:

90.6 D: SWR3 Saarburg (1863) 18.6 22.31

15.6.2009 - Iran with ES

ES continued in the morning, now direction was to the SE. Farsi and Turkish was heard.

90.3 Tent. IRN: IRIB Qom?, (3527km) 15.6 7.59 This was audible quite a long time. Identification missing though.

14.6.2009 - Day of the first ES - Benelux

First ES heard here! DX-Sherlock was right. There were ES clouds over southern Sweden and Benelux was audible.

88.9 LUX: RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg, Dudelange (1861km) 14.6 1641
89.5 BEL: VRT Klara, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (1819km) 14.6 17.00
91.8 Unid HOL

9.6.2009 - More meteors - Poland and Romania

This day had more meteors on the way.

95.6 POL: Radio Zlote Przeboje Puls, Lublin (1250km) 9.6 10.03
96.0 ROU: Radio Romania Actualitati, Moldovenesc (1643km) 9.6 23

8.6.2009 - Meteor scatters to the Hungary

Meteor scatters to the Hungary were the days theme:

90.3 HNG: MR 2 Petöfi Radio Uzd (Tol) (1796km) 8.6 16.56. Thanks also for the verification!
90.6 HNG: Radio 1, Pecs (1884km) 8.6 4.56

26.5.2009 - Estonian tropo

Most common Estonian private stations here, are these:

88.2 Tartu Pereraadio, Kohtla-Nömme (339km)
91.2 Raadio Elmar, Valgjärve (478km)
91.7 Raadio Elmar, Koeru (380km)

Kuunhankavesi FM antenna

This Körner 15.9 might have a too low position, but there is a break in the forest towards SW.

25.5.2009 FM season has started

Jyväskylä Körner 15.9 antenna.

Jyväskylä Yagi has best direction towards SE, because hill/mountain Laajavuori is blocking west.

I decided to give a try for FM DXing. So I ordered the above antenna from Sweden. Körner antenna has very solid build and was quite selfexplanatory to build up. System includes also Yaesu G-250 antenna rotor, but currently no preamp since Jyväskylä has quite many FM trasmitters.

FM receiver system includes now Sony XDR-F1HD and Icom IC8500. Sony has better sound quality than Icom, but it lacks scanning and OIRT band. Also Sony is quite a good heater, if there is a need for warming.

Some very first tropo catchs, which proved to be the usual suspects here:

88.2 Tartu Pereraadio, Kohtla-Nömme (339) 25.5 *
90.4 ERR Klassikaraadio, Kohtla-Nömme (339) 25.5
93.4 ERR Raadio 4, Koeru (380km)
94.5 ERR Raadio 4/Radio Chetyrey in Russian, Tallinn (340km) 25.5 *
94.8 ERR R4, Pärnu
102.9 ERR Raadio 2, Kohtla-Nömme (339) 26.5 *
104.1 ERR Vikerraadio, Tallinn (340km) 25.5 * RDS "VIKER"
104.8 ERR Vikerraadio, Pärnu (457km) 26.5
105.4 ERR Vikerraadio, Kohtla-Nömme (339) 25.5 *
106.1 ERR Vikerraadio, Valgjärve (478km) 26.5
106.6 ERR Klassikaraadio, Tallinn (340) 25.5
107.6 ERR Klassikaraadio, Koeru (380km) 26.5